
Ph.D, Pre-tenured Associate Professor
School of Computer Science,Fudan University
Research Interests:Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) & Social Computing, Human-AI Interaction.

张鹏,复旦大学计算机科学技术学院青年副研究员、硕士生导师,担任复旦大学社会计算研究中心副主任,入选微软亚洲研究院“铸星计划”(2022~2023)、中国人工智能学会社会计算青年学者新星,担任中国计算机学会协同计算专委会和人机交互专委会执行委员。主要研究方向为CSCW与社会计算、人机交互等。在CSCW、CHI、WWW、SIGIR、TOIS、WSDM、CIKM等发表学术论文40余篇,其中作为第一作者或通讯作者30余篇;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目及国家重点研发计划子课题等项目,并作为骨干成员参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、上海市科技创新行动计划等项目的研究工作。申请和授权发明专利20余件,2次获得ChineseCSCW最佳论文奖,以及上海市计算机学会协同与信息服务专委会优秀论文奖,指导学生获得首届ChineseCSCW杯数据竞赛一等奖。担任CHI等权威学术会议的Associate Chair(AC)及CSCW、TWEB等权威学术会议和期刊的审稿人。
  1. Peng Zhang, Qi Zhou, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, and Ning Gu. DeLink: An adversarial framework for defending against cross-site user identity linkage. ACM Transactions on the Web, 18(2), 2024, 29:1-29:34. (CCF B)
  2. Jiafeng Xia, Dongsheng Li, Hansu Gu, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang*, Li Shang, and Ning Gu. Neural Kalman filtering for robust temporal recommendation. The 17th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2024, 836–845. (CCF B)
  3. Fangyu Yu, Peng Zhang*, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, and Ning Gu. BNoteHelper: A note-based outline generation tool for structured learning on video-sharing platforms. ACM Transactions on the Web, 2024, 18(2), 28:1-28:30. (CCF B)
  4. Yubo Shu, Hansu Gu, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, and Ning Gu. An intent-based and annotation-free method for duplicate question fetection in CQA forums. The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Findings), 2023, 8889–8899. (CCF B)
  5. Zhengqing Guan, Peng Zhang (共同一作), Baoxi Liu, Hansu Gu, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. JargonFM: A framework with multiple interpretation modes for jargon understanding in online communities. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/tcss.2023.3281674. (SCI Q2)
  6. Jiahao Liu, Dongsheng Li, Hansu Gu, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang, Li Shang, and Ning Gu. Personalized graph signal processing for collaborative filtering. The ACM Web Conference, 2023, 1264–1272. (CCF A)
  7. Jiahao Liu, Dongsheng Li, Hansu Gu, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang, Li Shang, and Ning Gu. Triple structural information modelling for accurate, explainable and interactive recommendation. The 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2023, 1086–1095. (CCF A)
  8. Fangye Wang, Yingxu Wang, Dongsheng Li, Hansu Gu, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang, and Ning Gu. CL4CTR: A contrastive learning framework for CTR rrediction. The Sixteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2023, 805–813. (CCF B)
  9. Fangyu Yu, Peng Zhang*, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. Exploring how workspace awareness cues affect distributed meeting outcome. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 2023, 39(8): 1606-1625. (CCF B)
  10. Baoxi Liu, Peng Zhang*, Yubo Shu, Zhengqing Guan, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Building a personalized model for social media textual content censorship. The 2022 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2022, 499:1–499:31. (CCF A)
  11. Peng Zhang, Zhengqing Guan, Baoxi Liu, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. Building user-oriented personalized machine translator based on user-generated textual content. The 2022 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2022, 280:1-280:26. (CCF A)
  12. Yiying Wu, Xianghua Ding, Xuelan Dai, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. Alignment work for urban accessibility: A study of how wheelchair users travel in urban spaces. The 2022 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 2022, 274:1-274:22. (CCF A)
  13. Yixuan Chen, Dongsheng Li, Peng Zhang, Jie Sui, Qin Lv, Tun Lu, Li Shang. Cross-modal ambiguity learning for multimodal fake news detection. The ACM Web Conference 2022, 2022, 2897–2905. (CCF A)
  14. Fangye Wang, Hansu Gu, Dongsheng Li, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang*, Ning Gu. MCRF: Enhancing CTR prediction models via multi-channel feature refinement framework. The 2022 International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2022, 359–374. (CCF B)
  15. Peng Zhang, Baoxi Liu, Tun Lu, Xianghua Ding, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Jointly Predicting Future Content in Multiple Social Media Sites based on Multi-task Learning. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2022, 40(4), 79:1-79:28. (CCF A)
  16. Zhuo Chen, Baoxi Liu, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. A Personalized Cross-Platform Post Style Transfer Method Based on Transformer and Bi-Attention Mechanism. The 2022 International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2022, 85-93. (CCF B)
  17. Peng Zhang, Baoxi Liu, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu.Studying and understanding characteristics of post-syncing practice and goal in social network sites. ACM Transactions on the Web, 2021, 15(4), 16:1-16:26. (CCF B)
  18. Xianghua Ding, Shuhan Wei, Xinning Gui, Ning Gu, Peng Zhang*. Data engagement reconsidered: A study of automatic stress TrackingTechnology in use. The 2021 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021, 535:1-535:13. (CCF A)
  19. Zheng Xu, Chaofan Liu, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. URIM: Utility-Oriented Role-Centric Incentive Mechanism Design for Blockchain-based Crowdsensing. The 2021 International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2021, 358-374. (CCF B)
  20. Zhenghao Zhang, Tun Lu, Dongsheng Li, Peng Zhang*, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. SANS: Setwise Attentional Neural Similarity Method for Few-shot Recommendation. The 2021 International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2021, 69-84. (CCF B)
  21. Zheng Xu, Chaofan Liu, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. WikiChain: A blockchain-based decentralized wiki framework. Proceedings of the 15th Chinese Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. (Best Paper Award)
  22. Yan Xia, Haiyi Zhu, Tun Lu, Peng Zhang*, Ning Gu. Exploring Antecedents and Consequences of Toxicity in Online Discussions: A Case Study on Reddit. The 2020 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. 2020, 4(CSCW2): 1-23. (CCF A)
  23. Baoxi Liu, Peng Zhang*, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. A Reliable Cross-site User Generated Content Modeling Method Based on Topic Model.Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 209: 106435:1-106435:15. (SCI Q1)
  24. Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Baoxi Liu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Understanding Social Interaction across Social Network Sites.International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 2020, 36(19): 1818-1833. (CCF B)
  25. Peng Zhang, Haiyi Zhu, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Wenjian Huang, Ning Gu. Understanding relationship overlapping on social network sites: A case study of Weibo and Douban. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2017, 1(CSCW): 120. (CCF A)
  26. Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Xianghua Ding, Ning Gu. How do you interact with your old friends on a new site:Understanding social ties among different social network sites. Proceedings of the 12th Chinese Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, ACM, 2017: 2-9. (Best Paper Award)
  27. Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Identifying User identity across social network sites based on overlapping relationship and social interaction. Proceedings of the 12th Chinese Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, ACM, 2017: 25-32.
  28. Peng Zhang, Hansu Gu, Mike Gartrell, Tun Lu, Xianghua Ding, Ning Gu. Group-based Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Group-LDA): Effective audience detection for books in online social media. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 105: 134-146. (SCI Q1)
  29. Peng Zhang, Hong Liu, Yan-hui Ding. Crowd simulation based on constrained and controlled group formation. The Visual Computer, 2015, 31(1): 5-18. (SCIEI, IF: 1.468)
  30. Peng Zhang, Hong Liu, Yan-hui Ding. Dynamic bee colony algorithm based on multi-species co-evolution. Applied Intelligence, 2014, 40(3): 427-440. (SCIEI, IF: 1.904)
  31. Haiming Wang, Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Hybrid recommendation model based on incremental collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2017: 337-342.
  32. Haiyang Ding, Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Credit scoring using ensemble classification based on variable weighting clustering. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2017: 509-514.
  33. Eying Wu, Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Hansu Gu, Ning Gu. Behavior prediction using an improved hidden markov model to support people with disabilities in smart homes. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2016: 560-565. (CCF Rank C)
  34. Hong Liu, Peng Zhang, Bin Hu, et al. A novel approach to task assignment in a cooperative multi-agent design system. Applied Intelligence, 2015, 43(1): 162-175. (SCIEI, IF: 1.904)
His research is supported by NSF of China, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, etc.